Senin - Sabtu (Jam 09.00 - 21.00) 081908611401 081385857115 081385857115

Jual Spesifikasi Dan Harga Water Level Meter Solinst 101

Jual Spesifikasi Dan Harga Water Level Meter Solinst 101
Kategori Jual Theodolite Murah
Di lihat 1126 kali
Harga Rp (Hubungi CS)
Beli Sekarang



These top-of-the line water level meters provide features you’ve been asking for: a 3/8”W polyethylene tape line with black graduations permanently embossed; seven stranded stainless steel conductors in the tape line; light and audible buzzer which sounds when contact is made with water; external sensitivitiy control for varying water conductivity; and a sturdy, stand-alone reel with on/off switch, brake and carry handle (carrying cases are sold separately below). The Model 101 is available in either English or Metric with a 0.55” O.D. P2 stainless steel probe. The P2 probe is designed for momentarily going underwater and is repairable. Powered by 9 volt battery which is located in an easy access drawer in the reel. English tape line: black graduations in feet, 10ths and 100ths with markings every 1/100 ft. and foot marks in red. Metric tape line: black graduations in meters, centimeters and decimeters with markings every millimeter and meter graduations in red.

English tape line: black graduations in feet, 10ths and 100ths with markings every 1/100 ft. and foot marks in red. Metric tape line: black graduations in meters, centimeters and decimeters with markings every millimeter and meter graduations in red.


Tags : Solinst Water Level Meter 101, jual Solinst Water Level Meter 101, harga Solinst Water Level Meter 101, Jual Total Station, Jual Theodolite

Rp (Hubungi CS)
Jual Beli Kalibrasi Theodolite Sokkia Dt 740 Harga Murah Lokasi Jakarta


Rp 37.500.000 40.000.000
Rp (Hubungi CS)
Rp 1
Rp 6.000.000
Jual Sewa Rental GPS Geodetik CHC i50 Promo


Rp 77.500.000 80.000.000


Taman Alfa Indah Blok K1 NO 46 Petukangan Utara Jakarta selatan - 12260
HP. 081908611401 (WA), 081385857115 (WA)
Contact : Indra Permana

HP. 087724543335 (WA)
Contact : Rika Ananda

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