Senin - Sabtu (Jam 09.00 - 21.00) 081908611401 081385857115 081385857115

Concrete Test Hammer WTC-H

Concrete Test Hammer WTC-H
Kategori Alat ukur Digital
Di lihat 1170 kali
Harga Rp (Hubungi CS)
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Concrete Test Hammer WTC-H


This simple to use gauge consists of a spring loaded plunger which, when released, strikes the surface with fixed and constant impact energy. During the rebound stroke, the mass moves a pointer that indicates the maximum point of return and at the same time indicates a reference value called Rebound Number.

This number, converted by the correlations available on the hammer, gives the compression resistance value in respect of the impact angle.

Impact Energy 2.207 Nm
Suppliedm  with abrasive stone to prepare test surface
Aluminium body
Rebound value indicated on test hammer
Rebound value chart on body, for quick calculation of compressive strength
Curve selection on chart dependant on testing angle
The concrete hammer, often called a rebound hammer, is supplied with plastic carrying case, grinding stone and instructions manual.</p>

CV indonesia survey sejahtera

Tags : Concrete Test Hammer WTC-H, jual Concrete Test Hammer WTC-H, harga Concrete Test Hammer WTC-H, Jual Total Station, Jual Theodolite

Rp (Hubungi CS)
Jual Sewa Rental GPS Geodetik CHC i50


Rp 77.500.000 80.000.000
Rp (Hubungi CS)
Rp (Hubungi CS)
Rp (Hubungi CS)
Rp (Hubungi CS)


Taman Alfa Indah Blok K1 NO 46 Petukangan Utara Jakarta selatan - 12260
HP. 081908611401 (WA), 081385857115 (WA)
Contact : Indra Permana

HP. 087724543335 (WA)
Contact : Rika Ananda

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